ICS.AI are excited to announce that our COVID-19 AI Digital Assistant is now available to help public sector organisations provide employees or the public with detailed national and local COVID-19 information.
On 24th March 2020, Cheshire West and Chester council saw a 500% increase in requests to their digital assistant AIDA for information. The new COVID-19 skill has come at the perfect time for the council, as detailed logs from the new assistant have shown the council has received over 300 different questions related to Coronavirus recently.
The Public COVID-19 Assistant has a priority store of hundreds of Coronavirus voice-ready answers and can fall back on multiple trusted and curated Coronavirus knowledge sources such as the council’s own website, the World Health Organisation, NHS 111, and Public Health England. Clients can also optionally create and manage their own dedicated local Coronavirus knowledge store.
The Public COVID-19 AI Assistant is now available to all organisations and can be deployed rapidly and does not require any customer IT resources beyond adding it to their website.
If you would like to read the full press release of the above "ICS AI Digital Assistant helps Cheshire West and Chester Council handle a 500% increase in Coronavirus questions from the public" then please follow the link below:
To see the AI Assistant live on the Cheshire West & Chester Council website, click here: https://www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/home.aspx
For further on our FLEX AI Remote Working AI Solution, then please visit our new page on the website: https://www.ics.ai/flex-ai-remote-working-ai-assistant
And if you would like to speak with one of our AI experts about our new Public COVID-19 AI Assistant then please email info@ics.ai and someone from the team will get back to you as quickly as possible.